View the Failure Request Log File
- Now that you have generated a failed request, open a command prompt with administrator user rights and navigate to %systemdrive%\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles\W3SVC1.
- Run start to start an Internet Explorer window from the directory.
3. Notice a few things here: When IIS writes the failed request log file, it writes one file per failed request. A freb.xsl style sheet is also written, one per directory. This helps when you view the resulting failure request log files (such as fr000001.xml above).
4. Right-click the log file for the 404.2 error, and click Open With -> Internet Explorer. If this is the first time that you are opening a Failed Request Tracing file, you must add about:internet to the list of trusted sites, since Internet Explorer's Enhanced Security Configuration is enabled by default. If this is the case, you will see the following:
5. In the Internet Explorer dialog box, click Add… to add about:internet to the list of trusted sites. This allows the XSL to work. You will see the following after adding about:internet to the list of trusted sites:
A summary of the failed request is logged at the top, with the Errors & Warnings table identifying any events that are WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL ERROR in severity. In this example, the WARNING severity level is due to ISAPI RESTRICTION. The image that you tried to load was %windir%\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll.
6. Open the raw XML file directly by using a text editor, and look at the contents of each event.