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Using SQL*Plus in Oracle

@2016-02-22 14:54:12

SQL*Plus Command Summary

 Command  Description

@ ("at" sign)

Runs the SQL*PLus statements in the specified script. The script can be called from the local file system or from a web server.

@@ (double "at" sign)

Runs a script. This command is similar to the @ ("at" sign) command. It is useful for running nested scripts because it looks for the specified script in the same path as the script from which it was called.

/ (slash)

Executes the SQL command or PL/SQL block.


Reads a line of input and stores it in a given user variable.


Adds specified text to the end of the current line in the buffer.


Starts or stops the automatic archiving of online redo log files, manually (explicitly) archives specified redo log files, or displays information about redo log files.


Specifies display characteristics for a given attribute of an Object Type column, and lists the current display characteristics for a single attribute or all attributes.


Specifies where and how formatting will change in a report, or lists the current break definition.


Places and formats a specified title at the bottom of each report page, or lists the current BTITLE definition.


Changes text on the current line in the buffer.


Resets or erases the current clause or setting for the specified option, such as BREAKS or COLUMNS.


Specifies display characteristics for a given column, or lists the current display characteristics for a single column or for all columns.


Calculates and prints summary lines, using various standard computations, on subsets of selected rows, or lists all COMPUTE definitions.


Connects a given user to Oracle.


Copies results from a query to a table in a local or remote database.


Specifies a user variable and assigns it a CHAR value, or lists the value and variable type of a single variable or all variables.


Deletes one or more lines of the buffer.


Lists the column definitions for the specified table, view, or synonym or the specifications for the specified function or procedure.


Commits pending changes to the database and logs the current user off Oracle, but does not exit SQL*Plus.


Invokes a host operating system text editor on the contents of the specified file or on the contents of the buffer.


Executes a single PL/SQL statement.


Terminates SQL*Plus and returns control to the operating system.


Loads a host operating system file into the SQL buffer.


Accesses the SQL*Plus help system.


Executes a host operating system command without leaving SQL*Plus.


Adds one or more new lines after the current line in the buffer.


Lists one or more lines of the SQL buffer.


Allows a password to be changed without echoing the password on an input device.


Displays the specified text, then waits for the user to press [Return].


Displays the current value of a bind variable.


Sends the specified message to the user's screen.


Terminates SQL*Plus and returns control to the operating system. QUIT is identical to EXIT.


Performs media recovery on one or more tablespaces, one or more datafiles, or the entire database.


Begins a comment in a script.


Places and formats a specified report footer at the bottom of each report, or lists the current REPFOOTER definition.


Places and formats a specified report header at the top of each report, or lists the current REPHEADER definition.


Lists and executes the SQL command or PL/SQL block currently stored in the SQL buffer.


Saves the contents of the SQL buffer in a host operating system file (a script).


Sets a system variable to alter the SQL*Plus environment for your current session.


Shows the value of a SQL*Plus system variable or the current SQL*Plus environment.


Shuts down a currently running Oracle instance.


Stores query results in an operating system file and, optionally, sends the file to a printer.


Executes the contents of the specified script. The script can only be called from a url.


Starts an Oracle instance and optionally mounts and opens a database.


Saves attributes of the current SQL*Plus environment in a host operating system file (a script).


Records timing data for an elapsed period of time, lists the current timer's title and timing data, or lists the number of active timers.


Places and formats a specified title at the top of each report page, or lists the current TTITLE definition.


Deletes one or more user variables that you defined either explicitly (with the DEFINE command) or implicitly (with an argument to the START command).


Declares a bind variable that can be referenced in PL/SQL.


Performs the specified action Exits SQL*Plus if an operating system command generates an error.


Performs the specified action Exits SQL*Plus if a SQL command or PL/SQL block generates an error.

@2016-02-22 16:24:10

Using Substitution Variables

Substitution variables are of two types, command line and embedded.

Command Line Substitution Variable

A command line substitution variable is of the form &n where "n" is an integer in the range of 1-8. These are used to allow specifying arguments on the SQLPLUS command line at login. For example, the line from the code is:

select * from dba_tables where owner=upper('&1');

The &1 would be replaced by the first argument following the userid and program name on the command line. If the procedure name is TABLE_REP then the command would be:


and "SCOTT" would be substituted for &1 in the code.

Embedded Variable

An embedded variable is either prompted for using the PROMPT....ACCEPT command or is automatically prompted for when encountered in your code. Embedded variables are usually named variables. For example, the line from the code is:

select * from dba_tables where owner=upper('&table_owner');

When the code is executed the SQLPLUS engine will prompt you for:

Enter value for table_owner:

and whatever you enter will be substituted for the variable. If the substitution has to be made several times you can either use the PROMPT...ACCEPT and a single ampersand on each incidence of the variable or use double ampersands on each incidence of the variable.

@2016-02-23 10:16:38

Using Spool Command

The spool command in Oracle is used within SQL*Plus to direct the output of any query to a server-side flat file.

Once spool is set, SQL*Plus will continue to spool the output until the command SPOOL OFF.

The spool command is very useful when you want to generate SQL from the data dictionary.  Here is an example of a SQL*Plus spool command:

spool 'c:\data\myfile.txt'

select table_name from dba_tables where table_name like 'CLAIM%';

spool off;

Do not forget to include the semicolon at the end of the SQL statement.

How to add SYSDATE to a spool file name?

To write dates into spool comands, for example, say that you want to run a SQL*Plus script where it spools to a file name that contains SYSDATE, you can select SYSDATE into a variable name using the DUAL pseudo-table, and execute the name as part of the spool command:

column col_outfilename noprint new_value outfilename;

select 'c:\data\myfile-' || to_char(sysdate, 'yymmdd') || '.txt' col_outfilename from dual;

spool '&outfilename'

select table_name from dba_tables where table_name like 'CLAIM%';

spool off
@2016-02-23 15:11:29

PROMPT Command

The PROMPT command in SQL*Plus outputs a line of data to the screen.


PROMPT Please enter a valid department

PROMPT For example:  10, 20, 30, 40



You can enter a department number at the prompt Department ID?>. By default, SQL*Plus lists the line containing &NEWDEPT before and after substitution, and then displays the department name corresponding to the number entered at the Department ID?> prompt.

Please enter a valid department

For example:  10, 20, 30, 40

Department ID?>

You can use SET VERIFY OFF to prevent this behavior.


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