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Oracle PL/SQL String Functions


renaudj 2 - 93
@2016-02-02 12:47:29
Function Description
ASCII The ASCII function returns the decimal representation in the database character set of the first character of char. Example: ASCII('b') =98
CHR The CHR function returns the character having the binary equivalent to n as a VARCHAR2 value in either the database character set. Example: CHR(10)||CHR(13) = carriage return plus line feed.
CONCAT The CONCAT function returns the concatenation of 2 strings. You can also use the || command for this. Example: CONCAT('abc','def') = 'abcdef'
CONVERT The CONVERT function converts a string from one characterset to another. The datatype of the returned value is VARCHAR2. Example: CONVERT('This is an example','UTF-8','WE8ISO8859P1') SELECT CONVERT('?????A B C D E ', 'US7ASCII', 'WE8ISO8859P1') FROM DUAL; = A E I ? ? A B C D E ?
DUMP The DUMP function returns a VARCHAR2 value containing the datatype code, length in bytes, and internal representation of expr. The returned result is always in the database character set.
INSTR Returns the position of a String within a String. For more information see Oracle instr function
INITCAP Transform String to init cap Example: INITCAP('ORADEV') = 'Oradev'
INSTRB Returns the position of a String within a String, expressed in bytes.
INSTRC Returns the position of a String within a String, expressed in Unicode complete characters
INSTR2 Returns the position of a String within a String, expressed in UCS2 code points
INSTR4 Returns the position of a String within a String, expressed in UCS4 code points
LENGTH The LENGTH functions returns the length of char. LENGTH calculates length using characters as defined by the input character set. Example: length('oradev.com') = 10
LENGTHB Returns the length of a string, expressed in bytes.
LOWER The LOWER function returns a string with all lower case characters. Example: LOWER('ORADEV') = 'oradev'
LPAD Add characters to the left of a string until a fixed number is reached. Example: lpad('abc',8,'x') = 'xxxxxabc'. If the last parameter is not specified, spaces are added to the left.
LTRIM LTRIM removed characters from the left of a string if they are equal to the specified string. Example: ltrim('aaaaaabc','a') = 'bc' If the last parameter is not specified, spaces are removed from the left side.
REPLACE The replace function replaces every occurrence of a search_string with a new string. If no new string is specified, all occurrences of the search_string are removed. Example: replace('a1a1a1','a','2') = '212121'.
REVERSE Reverses the characters of a String. Example: REVERSE('oradev.com') = 'moc.vedaro'
RPAD Add characters to the right of a string until a fixed number is reached. Example: rpad('abc',8,'x') = 'abcxxxxx'. If the last parameter is not specified, spaces are added to the right.
RTRIM RTRIM removed characters from the right of a string if they are equal to the specified string. Example: rtrim('bcaaaaaa','a') = 'bc' If the last parameter is not specified, spaces are removed from the right side.
SOUNDEX SOUNDEX returns a character string containing the phonetic representation of char. This function lets you compare words that are spelled differently, but sound alike in English. Example: select * from emp where lastname SOUNDEX('SMITH');
SUBSTR Returns a substring. For more information see Oracle substring
SUBSTRB Returns a substring expressed in bytes instead of characters.
SUBSTRC Returns a substring expressed in Unicode code points instead of characters.
SUBSTR2 Returns a substring using USC2 code points.
SUBSTR4 Returns a substring using USC4 code points.

TRANSLATE returns expr with all occurrences of each character in from_string replaced by its corresponding character in to_string. Characters in expr that are not in from_string are not replaced.


SELECT TRANSLATE('SQL*Plus User''s Guide', ' */''', '___') FROM DUAL;

TRIM The TRIM function trims specified characters from the left and/or right. If no characters are specified, the left and right spaces are left out. Example: trim(' Oradev dot com ') = 'Oradev dot com'.
|| (pipes) With pipes you can concattenate strings. Example 'Oradev'||'.com' = 'Oradev.com'.
UPPER Transform a string to all upper case characters. Example: UPPER('oradev') = 'ORADEV'
VSIZE The VSIZE function returns the byte size of a String.
@2016-02-02 12:49:50


TRANSLATE returns expr with all occurrences of each character in from_string replaced by its corresponding character in to_string. Characters in expr that are not in from_string are not replaced. If expr is a character string, then you must enclose it in single quotation marks. The argument from_string can contain more characters than to_string. In this case, the extra characters at the end of from_string have no corresponding characters in to_string. If these extra characters appear in char, then they are removed from the return value.

You cannot use an empty string for to_string to remove all characters in from_string from the return value. Oracle Database interprets the empty string as null, and if this function has a null argument, then it returns null.

TRANSLATE provides functionality related to that provided by the REPLACE function. REPLACE lets you substitute a single string for another single string, as well as remove character strings. TRANSLATE lets you make several single-character, one-to-one substitutions in one operation.

This function does not support CLOB data directly. However, CLOBs can be passed in as arguments through implicit data conversion.

The following statement translates a book title into a string that could be used (for example) as a filename. The from_string contains four characters: a space, asterisk, slash, and apostrophe (with an extra apostrophe as the escape character). The to_string contains only three underscores. This leaves the fourth character in the from_string without a corresponding replacement, so apostrophes are dropped from the returned value.

SELECT TRANSLATE('SQL*Plus User''s Guide', ' */''', '___') FROM DUAL;

@2016-02-02 12:51:27

Lower Fucntion

In Oracle/PLSQL, the lower function converts all letters in the specified string to lowercase. The syntax for the lower function is:

lower( string1 )


select lower('HELLO WORLD!') from dual;


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