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Learning XPath Expressions By Examples

@2016-01-16 09:41:19

What is the title of chapter 2?



@2016-01-16 11:44:05

How much does this book cost?

concat(/book/price, " (", /book/price/@currency, ")")
concat(ceiling(/book/price), " (", /book/price/@currency, ")")
concat(floor(/book/price), " (", /book/price/@currency, ")")
concat(round(/book/price), " (", /book/price/@currency, ")")
concat(substring-before(/book/price, "."), " dollars and ", substring-after(/book/price,"."), " cents")


@2016-01-16 11:45:52

Given 15% discount, how much will this book cost?

/book/price * 0.85


@2016-01-16 13:24:05

Select all even-numbered chapters

/book/chapter[position() mod 2 = 0]



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