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How to Format Numbers in VBScript?


codeling 1602 - 6666
@2016-01-10 12:22:17

The following table shows the possible number formatting functions in VBScript. Number Formatting Functions help the developers to handle numbers in an efficient way and express the numbers in the desired format.

Function Description
FormatNumber A Function, which would return an expression formatted as a number
FormatPercent A Function, which would return an expression formatted as a percentage


FormatNumber() Function

The FormatNumber function in VBScript returns an expression formatted as a number.



Parameter Description
Expression Required. The expression to be formatted
NumDigAfterDec Optional. Indicates how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default is -1 (the computer's regional settings are used)
IncLeadingDig Optional. Indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values:
  • -2 = TristateUseDefault - Use the computer's regional settings
  • -1 = TristateTrue - True
  • 0 = TristateFalse - False
UseParForNegNum Optional. Indicates whether or not to place negative values within parentheses:
  • -2 = TristateUseDefault - Use the computer's regional settings
  • -1 = TristateTrue - True
  • 0 = TristateFalse - False
GroupDig Optional. Indicates whether or not numbers are grouped using the group delimiter specified in the computer's regional settings:
  • -2 = TristateUseDefault - Use the computer's regional settings
  • -1 = TristateTrue - True
  • 0 = TristateFalse - False


FormatNumber(10000)       '10,000.00

FormatNumber(10000, 0)    '10,000
FormatNumber(10000, 2)    '10,000.00

FormatNumber(.15,,0)      '.15
FormatNumber(.15,,-1)     '0.15

FormatNumber(-10,,,0)     '-10
FormatNumber(-50,,,-1)    '(10)

FormatNumber(10000,,,,0)  '10000.00
FormatNumber(10000,,,,-1) '10,000.00



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