With Cscript.exe, you can run scripts by typing the name of a script file at the command prompt. Windows Script Host serves as a controller of Windows Script compliant scripting engines, but Windows Script Host has very low memory requirements. Windows Script Host is ideal for both interactive and non-interactive scripting needs, such as logon scripting and administrative scripting.
Windows Script Host supports scripts written in VBScript or JScript. When you start a script from your desktop or from the command prompt, the script host reads and passes the specified script file contents to the registered script engine. The script engine uses file extensions (that is, .vbs for VBScript and .js for JScript) to identify the script.
To debug your VBscript code, you may use the /X option:
cscript /X c:\abc.vbs
Then you have to choose which debugger you want to use in the following popup windows: