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Adding machineKey to web.config on web-farm sites


codeling 1602 - 6666
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The MachineKey is used to encrypt and secure the page’s ViewState. By default, the .NET framework uses that machine’s own MachineKey, but should your view state get sent to another content delivery server with a different key, well, then the ViewState will be invalid. That’s something of a problem. 

To some degree, this problem can be hidden by using Session Affinity (a.k.a. Sticky Sessions), which is probably a good configuration anyway. In this case the load balancer tries to route all traffic for a particular user session to a specific content delivery server.

The good news is that if we set a specific MachineKey for our web application, and use that on all our servers, well, the ViewState would still be valid, even though it’s a different server handling it.

Web Farm Deployment Considerations

If you deploy your application in a Web farm, you must ensure that the configuration files on each server share the same value for validationKey and decryptionKey, which are used for hashing and decryption respectively. This is required because you cannot guarantee which server will handle successive requests.

With manually generated key values, the settings should be similar to the following example.



If you want to isolate your application from other applications on the same server, place the in the Web.config file for each application on each server in the farm. Ensure that you use separate key values for each application, but duplicate each application's keys across all servers in the farm.

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If you are using IIS 7.5 or later you can generate the machine key from IIS and save it directly to your web.config, within the web farm you then just copy the new web.config to each server.

  1. Open IIS manager.
  2. If you need to generate and save the MachineKey for all your applications select the server name in the left pane, in that case you will be modifying the root web.config file (which is placed in the .NET framework folder). If your intention is to create MachineKey for a specific web site/application then select the web site / application from the left pane. In that case you will be modifying the web.config file of your application.
  3. Double-click the Machine Key icon in ASP.NET settings in the middle pane:
  4. MachineKey section will be read from your configuration file and be shown in the UI. If you did not configure a specific MachineKey and it is generated automatically you will see the following options:
  5. Now you can click Generate Keys on the right pane to generate random MachineKeys. When you click Apply, all settings will be saved in the web.config file.
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How to generate a <machineKey> element

To generate a <machineKey> element yourself, you can use the following Windows PowerShell script:

# Generates a <machineKey> element that can be copied + pasted into a Web.config file.
function Generate-MachineKey {
  param (
    [ValidateSet("AES", "DES", "3DES")]
    [string]$decryptionAlgorithm = 'AES',
    [ValidateSet("MD5", "SHA1", "HMACSHA256", "HMACSHA384", "HMACSHA512")]
    [string]$validationAlgorithm = 'HMACSHA256'
  process {
    function BinaryToHex {
        process {
            $builder = new-object System.Text.StringBuilder
            foreach ($b in $bytes) {
              $builder = $builder.AppendFormat([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, "{0:X2}", $b)
    switch ($decryptionAlgorithm) {
      "AES" { $decryptionObject = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider }
      "DES" { $decryptionObject = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider }
      "3DES" { $decryptionObject = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider }
    $decryptionKey = BinaryToHex($decryptionObject.Key)
    switch ($validationAlgorithm) {
      "MD5" { $validationObject = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5 }
      "SHA1" { $validationObject = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1 }
      "HMACSHA256" { $validationObject = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 }
      "HMACSHA385" { $validationObject = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384 }
      "HMACSHA512" { $validationObject = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512 }
    $validationKey = BinaryToHex($validationObject.Key)
      "<machineKey decryption=`"{0}`" decryptionKey=`"{1}`" validation=`"{2}`" validationKey=`"{3}`" />",
      $decryptionAlgorithm.ToUpperInvariant(), $decryptionKey,
      $validationAlgorithm.ToUpperInvariant(), $validationKey)

For ASP.NET 4.0 applications, you can just call Generate-MachineKey without parameters to generate a <machineKey> element as follows:

PS> Generate-MachineKey
<machineKey decryption="AES" decryptionKey="..." validation="HMACSHA256" validationKey="..." />

ASP.NET 2.0 and 3.5 applications do not support HMACSHA256. Instead, you can specify SHA1 to generate a compatible <machineKey> element as follows:

PS> Generate-MachineKey -validation sha1
<machineKey decryption="AES" decryptionKey="..." validation="SHA1" validationKey="..." />

As soon as you have a <machineKey> element, you can put it in the Web.config file. The <machineKey> element is only valid in the Web.config file at the root of your application and is not valid at the subfolder level.

    <machineKey ... />


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