Throughout the development life of a product, we need to use different units to estimate portfolio backlog, product backlog, and sprint backlog.
Portfolio Backlog Item Estimates
Although the portfolio backlog is not formally a part of Scrum, many organizations maintain one that contains a prioritized list of all of the products (or projects) that need to be built. To estimate portfolio backlog items, many organizations choose to use rough, relative size estimates like T-shirt sizes (such as small, medium, large, extralarge, and so on).
Product Backlog Estimates
Once a product or project is approved and we start adding more detail to its product backlog items. When PBIs have risen in priority and been groomed to include more detail, most teams prefer to put numeric size estimates on them, using either story points or ideal days.
Task Estimates
At the most detailed level we have the tasks that reside in the sprint backlog. Tasks are sized in ideal hours.