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What is Microsfot Azure?

@2021-01-15 06:58:35

Azure portal

The Azure portal is a web-based, unified console that provides an alternative to command-line tools. With the Azure portal, you can manage your Azure subscription using a graphical user interface. You can build, manage, and monitor everything from simple web apps to complex cloud deployments. Create custom dashboards for an organized view of resources. Configure accessibility options for an optimal experience.

The figure below labels the basic elements of the Azure portal, each of which are described in the following table.

Screenshot showing full-screen portal view and key to UI elements

Screenshot showing expanded portal menu

Key Description
1 Page header. Appears at the top of every portal page and holds global elements.
2 Global search. Use the search bar to quickly find a specific resource, a service, or documentation.
3 Global controls. Like all global elements, these features persist across the portal and include: Cloud Shell, subscription filter, notifications, portal settings, help and support, and send us feedback.
4 Your account. View information about your account, switch directories, sign out, or sign in with a different account.
5 Portal menu. The portal menu is a global element that helps you to navigate between services. Sometimes referred to as the sidebar, the portal menu mode can be changed in Portal settings.
6 Resource menu. Many services include a resource menu to help you manage the service. You may see this element referred to as the left pane.
7 Command bar. The controls on the command bar are contextual to your current focus.
8 Working pane. Displays the details about the resource that is currently in focus.
9 Breadcrumb. You can use the breadcrumb links to move back a level in your workflow.
10 Master control to create a new resource in the current subscription. Expand or open the portal menu to find + Create a resource. Search or browse the Azure Marketplace for the resource type you want to create.
11 Your favorites list.


As a new subscriber to Azure services, the first thing you see after you sign in to the portal is Azure Home. This page compiles resources that help you get the most from your Azure subscription. You can’t customize this page, but you can choose whether to see Azure Home or Azure Dashboard as your default view. The first time you sign in, there’s a prompt at the top of the page where you can save your preference.

The Azure portal menu can be docked or it can act as a flyout panel. When the portal menu is in flyout mode, it's hidden until you need it. Select the menu icon to open or close the menu.

Azure portal menu in flyout mode

Both the Azure portal menu and the Azure default view can be changed in Portal settings. If you change your selection, the change is immediately applied.

Screenshot showing default view selector



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