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This virtual machine can't be configured with a static private IP address because it's not deployed in a virtual Network


codeling 1602 - 6666
@2017-10-22 22:57:38

I have created one virtual machine under a cloud service but without a Vnet.

Now i wanted to assign a static IP address to it without deleting my existing virtual machine.

I tried to do that but i am getting following message.

"This virtual machine can't be configured with a static private IP address because it's not deployed in a virtual Network."

what to do now?

@2017-10-22 22:59:46

Static Private IP address for a VM can only be set for VMs that are deployed within a VNET. VMs in a virtual network will automatically receive an internal IP address from a range that you specify. In certain cases, you would make the Internal IP address static. For example, if your VM is going to run DNS or will be a domain controller. In most cases, you won’t need to specify a static internal IP address for your virtual machine.

@2017-10-22 23:00:24

if you wish you may move your VM to existing VNet and then set static IP, kindly refer the link below for the steps:

Moving an existing Virtual Machine into a Virtual Network Subnet without losing your virtual hard disk




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