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Creating Page Sequences in XSLT-FO


codeling 1602 - 6666
@2017-09-26 14:08:52

A page sequence is a run of pages that share the same characteristics, such as a chapter in a book, and you can format them in a similar way if you wish. The XSL-FO <fo:page-sequence> object is used as a container for page output elements.The children of the <fo:page-sequence> provide the content of the pages.


@2017-09-26 14:24:08

The root node of the formatting object tree must be an fo:root formatting object. The children of the fo:root formatting object are a single fo:layout-master-set, an optional fo:declarations, and a sequence of one or more fo:page-sequences.

@2017-09-26 14:28:31

Each fo:page-sequence references either an fo:page-sequence-master or a page-master. If the reference is to a page-master, this is interpreted as if it were a reference to an fo:page-sequence-master that repeats the referenced page-master an unbounded number of times. An fo:page-sequence references a page-master if either the fo:page-sequence directly references the page-master via the "master-reference" property or that property references an fo:page-sequence-master that references the page-master.


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